What does the name Aquacotta mean?
Aquacotta has two meanings - either boiling or cooked water. The name comes from an old Tuscan soup recipe I found in one of my books. We also have a seafood aquacotta dish which is our signature dish. It's like a seafood stew served in a traditional terracotta pot with fresh seafood and vegetables.
Our food could be classified as modern Italian. Our motto is "old traditions, modern times" which the restaurant reflects. We make everything fresh on site including our desserts which are made daily. We've also purchased our own oyster lease where the oysters are grown specifically for us.
Aquacotta has two meanings - either boiling or cooked water. The name comes from an old Tuscan soup recipe I found in one of my books. We also have a seafood aquacotta dish which is our signature dish. It's like a seafood stew served in a traditional terracotta pot with fresh seafood and vegetables.
Our food could be classified as modern Italian. Our motto is "old traditions, modern times" which the restaurant reflects. We make everything fresh on site including our desserts which are made daily. We've also purchased our own oyster lease where the oysters are grown specifically for us.